Content Management
Content Management is a continuous and evolving strategy for efficiently using and storing your content. Content is any form of information that your business handles; mail, memos, books, booklets, letters, invoices, orders, data forms, printed reports, emails, electronic documents, photos and even videos are all examples of content that should be managed properly while maintaining security, integrity and compliance.
Content Management Solution covers all aspects of contents life cycle: Capturing, Storing, Retrieval, Distribution, Securing, Managing Documents, Managing Records Retention, Automating Content Flow and Handling Data Entry Forms are all operations of Content Management Solution which would drive your business to a better customer service, increase of productivity, streamlined business process and controlled content-related risks.
Capturing and Digitizing
Our Enterprise Content Management Solution include providing equipment, software applications and managed services to handle content capturing for all types of contents and intake channels; analog, digital, unstructured or semi-structured. That also includes content data linking, information extraction, classification and metadata configuration.
Distribution and Content Flow Automation
Distribution content internally and externally needs to be easy and flexible and secure. Planning and aligning content flow is an essential success key. Processes need to be optimized, automated and often restructured whether they are focused on creating content or using content to help drive actions and decisions. Our ECM Solution provides workflow designing, document distribution tools and complete security control.
Content Security and Compliance
Losing control of content is a huge risk, but so is a strict blind control which may cripple your business. Your content needs flexible, granular security capabilities that dynamically accommodate to your business changes. Content keeping should also be in compliance with regulations, security, retention and destruction policies that your business adheres to. Our ECM solution can handle these requirements for your content security and records management policies.
See also
Laserfiche A world leading Enterprise Content Management
Digitization Use our digitization service to your backlog
Integration Consult our integration experts
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