Against the odds, the race towards digital transition for a university
A university that has just been established under an ambitious administration who wanted to start doing education the right way. Just like any university, they have to be prepared for a new education year but they also had to come up with a plan to become digital while it made sense to use the traditional paper-based procedures that seemed easier for everyone; the decision was not about easy, it was about what would be effective and turned out to be also a time and cost saver! ...
Being dynamic and flexible, Masar was used to automate the backbone business correspondence functions while we offered our experience not just of correspondence management solution but also because we have worked with other universities prior to this project. We provided key business guidelines and best practices that helped this university be ready in a very short time. Our client appreciated that we were prepared for every challenge along the way.
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Millions of papers, years worth of data and only few months left to digitize them all
One of our clients reached out to us with an urgency to do what seems impossible. Digitizing millions of files is not just about the scanned images but also classification, extraction of valuable intel and linking them to the right data records on various applications including ERP. The goal is to do that in a very short time because the university has a deadline to comply with new regulations concerning paper documents. ...
Fast enough and even before awarding process is completed, we setup multiple production lines for paper files backlog on site, planned archive containers delivery paths in campus and procedure including the check-in and check-out to ensure content security. We also have design a QA process that controls the quality on both ends for daily digitization. Digital images and data files were stored on local system that is connected directly to the university’s archiving servers for daily backup and digital batches delivery.
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How to properly manage records and drop the use of individual office applications?
A Ministry who had been struggling with driving change to force their staff to bring official files to follow their archiving protocol to apply the latest National Center of Archive standard policy. They had to come up with a way to keep the staff doing what they are used to, but at the same time making it very easy to automate central document management and enforce control. ...
We provided the best solution fit for the ministry’s problem; Laserfiche Enterprise Content Management was the magic wand in this case. Users loved the way it integrates with Microsoft Office. Users were able to create new documents using Microsoft Word, Excel and other applications, do their drafting and work their way as they used to. Files were automatically stored by Laserfiche, archived centrally, applied retention policy and even move these documents from user to another without the use of email service as they had to. The were surprised that Laserfiche was able to keep versions, logged changes and was handy to revert when needed. The piece of mind the Archiving Centre had was overwhelming as they were able to control their archives and ensure all files are secured, tracked and compliant with the National Center of Archive standard policy as well as the ministry’s own policies.
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A pilot Business to Business e-Service became an ideal case for municipalities
Municipalities deal with too many parties and different functions that impacts the lives of citizens. While many of these functionalities are standardized, there are always cases that needs their own application. A separate division of a known municipality needed to provide a business to business e-Service to automate granting engineering offices permits to operate and serve the public projects that are also linked to their own permits and various authorization checklists. ...
It was clear to us that this cannot be a standard product. We have developed a web-based CRM-integrated system that offers the full range of services from registration to final permit printing. The challenge was mainly to integrate the e-services with other systems, the launch of the project was a blast. Other municipalities were impressed and they started using the same concept on their service areas, most of which were relying on in-house development teams that copied most of the functionalities were provided in our implementation.
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We want your software, we like it, but we need you to recreate its user interface!
We still remember this case with great pleasure, when our Masar system was short listed as the best in functionality, but we had an unexpected request. The customer want us to re-create the front-end entirely. For a very valid reason, this was indeed a request that we agree with. However, it’s not easy to do that for an established system, for a customer who will pay only for the system license and implementation and be patient for our delivery. ...
The decision was made; not just because the customer is always right, but we also believed in their requirement. We realized the potential and value behind the effort. What the customer asked for is much better user experience handling. The benefit is not just for this customer but also for all of our clients and our aim was to utilize the latest and best practices of UX design and front-end development. Our team of designers and developers worked day and night to deliver version 3 of Masar which exceeded the customer expectations and had a great success raising up the demand on our product.
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Office Process Automation and Very Unique way of Document Management
A large company who have great deal of daily processed documents, they have their own method of handling their documents. Everything is in order but they needed a system to offer all functionalities of document management but strictly follow their unique way of automating their document life cycle. Laserfiche was successfully the greatest solution and we implemented their workflows exactly as they needed. ...
Having experience in office process automation on both sides (the clients and ours) has made it simpler to implement. Our team of engineers have used various techniques in Laserfiche including Workflow, Forms, Web Link and even SDK to provide full case management-like process automation including Barcode generating for label printing and document office unique numbering.
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Digitization: Medical Records
Will digitization for Health sector be the same as any other? Digitizing medical records has added challenges especially if it involves active cases that involves patients. Patients require higher service priority, multiple stages and different status handling. Extracting of medical information is another challenge, the digitization team has to be trained very well to understand the nature of the content such as ICD-10. The classification and the tools that are used has to be optimized for different situations. ...
The project for this large hospital was also large size, included infrastructure, servers procurement, capturing devices and equipment mobilization, integrating with proprietary system using non-standard API, involved large team of digitizing teams that worked over a period of one year. The hospital’s medical operations were interrupted by our works and medical files handling was designed in a way that allows the use of these files even when checked-in. The extract digital information was also linked to the patients digital records on HIS.
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Performance Optimization: Balance Score Card
A government organization that had a challenging requirement to optimization the performance of all divisions and departments. The highest authority in management needed a quick way to observe, monitor and recognize the weak points to make informed decisions. Units involved had different ways of handling their functions, data is mostly unstructured and systems integration may not be available. Our experts were able to address the issue, introduce the concept of balance Score Card and deliver results. ...
Some units did not even have systems to integrate with; we had no problem with them providing such data using excel sheets. All they need is to follow our template and formatting. Dropped files were automatically gathered and data were aggregated into the main system were the decision maker got provided a dashboard of Key performance indicators designed to focus on business activities and their balance score.
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Mobility: Fields Inspection
A government unit which is in charge of inspecting sites for various reasons, depending on a team of field inspectors and a number of paper-forms to collect their results, issue warnings or violation fines. They used to do this on daily basis, collecting information at the end of the day and sometimes by the end of the week. Prioritizing cases was never easy and inspection tasks took days to complete. We were able to eliminate all of these issues by implementing a mobile-based process which allowed inspectors to do their job effectively. ...
The solution we provided included tasks dispatching, GPS tracking to log actual inspection sites and evidence photo taking. Releasing violation fines was another challenge, which was solved by a wireless hand-held printer which can print fine tickets on the spot. Additionally, we provided the ability to sync data offline for some inspectors in areas without internet coverage where they can simply get their data updated as soon as they return to their offices.
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